Thursday, February 05, 2009

renaming lots of files

Well we talked last time about organizing your photos so you are not royally overwhelmed with trying to find the picture you are looking for. Well most people are like me. They don't think of organizing things when they first start using digital cameras. I know I did not think about it at first. So anyway, now you have photos all over the place and you want to start using a really good naming scheme. But of course renaming hundreds or maybe thousands of files seems daunting.

Well you need to go to one of my favorite places to find software to help you solve problems. Go to to find the software. For this one you will want to look for the program called FileRenamer. This is a really cool program that helps you to do batch renames. So now you can go in and sort your files by date in Windows Explorer and start to move them into folders by date. Then you can use the FileRenamer program to change the file names. You can do something as simple as adding the date to the front of the files. You could also totally change the name of the file so that all the files for a particular event are named the same. My guess is that all your files are named something like DSCxxxxx.jpg so you will probably just want to change the names of all of them. If you are trying to know what to rename them to just go back to my previous post.

So there.... how to rename files easily. Until next time.......

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